Mea Greenidge
September 26, 2010
XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication
Axia College
The writing skills and techniques learned in my Essentials of Managerial Communication class can and will benefit me in my future classes as well as in my career in many ways. A few of the skills learned are including, but not limited to the appropriate ways of communicating depending on the audience, e-mail and business letter writing etiquette and also the importance of unbiased speaking in the workplace. It is important to have been taught these skills as I now know that there are many changes that need to be made to my future business plan and even in my current work day. I can use the skills that I was taught to give efficient business lectures and presentations. The class also taught me the importance of appropriate introductions and closing. Within this lesson I learned that every presentation should be altered based on the type of audience to whom it will be presented to as a presenter can easily lose his or her audience if the presentation is not created specifically for that audience. Another lesson in the Essentials of Managerial Communication class discussed the proper ways to begin business writing. It is important to have business writing mapped out and clearly thought out before one even begins writing. A writing map or outline can be used as a guide for a writer so that he or she may effectively include all the necessary information needed within the writing. In my future endeavors as a wife, mother, daughter, student, employee and future business woman, I will take the skills learned from this communications class and apply them in any way possible as these skills are skills that will only push me further down the road to success within my business.
Effective SEPTEMBER 1, 2010
In an effort to preserve fuel and energy and due to the slowing economy, Effective
References: Babcock, Pamela. 2009. "Always More to Learn." HRMagazine 54, no. 9: 51. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2010). © copyright 2003-2010 All other trademarks and Copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. "Tuition Reimbursement and More." Connection: The Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education 19, no. 1 (Summer2004 2004): 21. Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2010). "Value of a College Degree." Facts On File: Issues & Controversies, EBSCOhost (accessed September 26, 2010).