Angela Lucas Snipes Undergraduate Marketing Student Savannah State University Abstract: Ambient advertising is a unique, intimate and non-traditional form of communication between the product and the consumer and uses all physical and environmental elements leading to stronger customer engagement. This innovative form of communication goes straight to the top of the consumer’s mind and stays there for an extended period of time. The research study explores the innovations in ambient advertising including flash mob dancing, use of structures, posters, props, the backs of bus tickets, supermarket floors, shopping carts, bank receipts, animals, and other strange and unusual venues. The study further examines how ambient advertising can effectively support both traditional and digital media. This unconventional form of advertising makes effective use of surroundings and physical environments to grab attention of the intended audience leading to positive brand and ad attitudes and purchase intentions. This research paper investigates the following questions: What are the social and economic effects on the potential consumer engagement from innovative ambient advertising techniques like flash mob dance and effective utilization of physical spaces for conveying advertising messages? Is ambient advertising the future of advertising? How is digital and traditional advertising benefit from ambient advertising, thereby revolutionizing the advertising industry?
Keywords: Ambient Advertising, Traditional Advertising, Digital Marketing, Flash Mobs, Physical Space Utilization
INTRODUCTION Ambient advertising utilizes the environment and elements of the environment to advertise a message. Generally, ambient advertising utilizes the environment in a more cost-efficient manner than traditional forms of advertising such as television, print and radio. Every year more and more chunks of marketing budgets are
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