Mrs. Waldon is a senior English teacher at Woodland High School. She teaches British Literature to low middle and some high class students. Her school is predominantly black 80/20. Woodland is located in Henry County Georgia. It is on the outskirts of the metropolitan area. It is a rural, suburban area. Their students live in trailer parks all the way 300,000.00 to 500,000.00 homes. They are on the general level, not advanced placement or honors. However, she does have three co-taught classes where she has about 7 to 10 students with an IEP.
Teacher interview
During our teacher student interview, I asked Mrs. Waldon for three ways she teaches literacy as well as strategies. I found out that she teaches literacy through modeling …show more content…
Waldon and her 12th grade class I saw how she was extremely passionate about literacy instructions, she used a variety of strategies. Strategies that stood out to me where close reading, think alouds, reciprocal teaching, which is quite similar to literature circles, R.A.C.E writing strategy, P.I.E writing strategy, graphic organizers that prompt students to make connections or visualization, or predictions while they are reading (reading actively), and last but definitely not least, vocabulary instruction. Lastly but not least, I wanted to know were some ways she weaves instruction in reading, writing, and speaking into the content she teaches. While observing, her I saw that her seniors do capstone project where they select a topic dealing with a controversial issue related to what they think they may want to major in, in college. They conduct research, reading through several sources to ensure they get the best information for their topic. They must write a research paper, adhering to the APA guidelines for a nonliterary based research paper. Finally, they also do an oral presentation, where they speak fluently about their topic and the research they have conducted to a panel of judges and their