Developing Children’s (3-8 years) Mathematical Skills
There are different national frameworks and policies that are used for the development of mathematical learning from 3 to 8 years old.
One of these is the Childcare Act 2006. The Childcare Act is an update on the Children Act 2004. It basically makes sure that local authorities reduce any inequalities in their individual areas by providing an ‘integrated’ service for children and their families. They make it so that each local area has the appropriate provision to help the care and learning of all children aged 3 or 4, and a free minimum amount of provision should be available. Parents have a right to obtain information for their child, and Section 12 of the Act emphasises the new extended age range which is now up to the age of 20. The Act also includes announces the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). This information is found in the Act between Sections 39-48. It explains how the new EYFS supports the integrated provision for children from birth to five years old and also makes reference to the modified Ofsted Childcare Register standards.
EYFS is another example of this. The EYFS principles help guide the work of all practitioners. They are grouped into 4 different themes, these themes are, A Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments and Learning and Development. * A Unique Child acknowledges that every child is a competent learner from birth. * Positive Relationships explains how children learn to be strong and independent from having loving and secure relationships with parents or key person. * Enabling Environments describes how the environment plays a key role in supporting and helping children’s development and learning. * Learning and Development identifies that children develop and learn in different ways and in different rates.
Between the ages of 3 and 8 years there are many different areas of mathematical development.
One of these areas
Bibliography: Learning through play in the early years, Resource Book, , (Last Accessed 28/02/2012) M Beaver et al, Cache Level 3, Childcare and Education, Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham, 2008