When you see the number of how many people have died in war on the news, not many people think about it too deeply and that is because it is just numbers and the fact that you weren’t there. But think, if you had been there, seeing one person die would affect you deeply, and you would have a strong feeling and a visual picture that you can never forget. Many of those people that died did not want to die. They were the victims of war. They had no place to hide or run away from, just waiting for the enemy to come and attack. For example, in World War 2, the total people that died during the war were 73,000,000 people and about 50,000,000 were civilians. It is a very depressing fact that more than half were civilians who have done nothing wrong. Or even think what if the person that died was your parents or your sister or brother? Imagine all of your relatives have died in the war. How would you feel?
War can start for religious reasons but I strongly think that the government should not start a war for religious reasons. For example, for many years, Palestine and Israel have been at war. That is all because of two different religions; Islam and Judaism. Religion is something that you should be proud of having, and it is not something that can be used to fight