You are required to write a 2 page paper outlining Canada’s trade history.
It is due not later than Sunday March 3, at 6:00pm, submitted to Moodle
You need to use at least 3 sources: your textbook, your class notes and 1 other source of your choice. Sources need to be cited properly.
Your essay must cover all periods of trade: pre-European contact, early contact/colonial, late colonial, American-dominated, international. In each period, include what was traded, by whom, and for later periods, in what amounts ($).
Papers should be written in proper essay style, with SHORT introductions and conclusions. Stick to the facts, as you space limit does not allow for much extra.
The Canadian traded history. The trade is beginning with the neighbors, traded with the same value of the animals, good and the food you want. And in that time the money still no exists yet, thus neighbors and villages are trade with other things, this is the trading started. And it grew bigger and bigger to city trade with the city country trade with country, and crossing domain trading with country. Such as European trading good and slaves in China around 800 B.C. and there is not much people try to crossing the domain with the trade, because it is dangerous and took long time to get to other countries. Until the sail technique and been used for 1000 years.
In1497, just five years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean John Cabot (Giovanni Cabotto), an Italian whose ships were financed by England's King Henry VII, landed on the shores of Newfoundland, off the east coast of North America. And this is how Canadian trade history start.
The national people were the first arrive in the North America live in the good social, health lives, hunting animals, trading with different tribes. But everything was changed after the EU came in with metal weapons, guns, food, and more and more. And the Indian changed their lives to