Capitol Academy
Change can be defined in a variety of ways depending on the context that it is being used in. Change can be described as a cause for breaking of the norm or a cause for something to be different. Change can be in physicality where objects are morphed into a different forms or a break in ideology from one sense to another. It is this act, result or process of changing or modifying to become different or undergo alteration or it can also be described as going from one phase to another.
In life change is inevitable. Change allows for growth, learning and overall development in life. It allows improvement and betterment in the environment whether it is internal or external change. In nature change teaches better ways of survival to organisms. In thinking change enables us to be more accommodative of others and also to appreciate more in life. In business change is essential in growth, adaptability and overall survival of business entities.
Case Study: Capitol Academy
Capitol Academy of Mindanao, Philippines was once a successful and recognized institution offering bachelors programmes for middle to upper class teenagers and college students in the years 1990 towards 2000. However, towards the end of the 1990s, it has experienced several problems which have led to an overall reduction in the profitability and effectiveness in operations and running of the institution.
This report is an attempt aimed at understanding some of the problems faced by the academy, their causes and possible solutions to these problems (BENNIS, 2006. Pp. 34). Capitol Academy has been faced by a number of challenges. A few of these challenges range as follows.
Capitol academy once enjoyed an almost near monopoly of the market share in offering bachelor programmes in the early 1990s and towards the end of the 1990s. This near monopoly has almost been eradicated due to increased market slots by
References: APTER, D. E., & ANDRAIN, C. F. (2007). Contemporary analytical theory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall. BENNIS, W. G., & BENNIS, W. G. (2006). The Planning of change. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. COLEMAN, R. W. (2004). Kurt Lewin 's theory of social change applied to curriculum change. Urbana, University of Illinois. ETZIONI, A., & ETZIONI-HALEVY, E. (2004). Social change: sources, patterns, and consequences. New York, Basic Books. SOUTHWELL, E. A., & MERBAUM, M. (2001). Personality: readings in theory and research. Belmont, Calif, Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.