First is vital signs. The main vital signs for assessing the Cardiovascular System include blood pressure and pulse. "The pulse includes the rate, rhythm and volume" (Meded…). While assessing the Cardiovascular System it is important to pay attention to the chest shape, shortness of breath, and the visible impulse of the patient's chest. While assessing, being observant is key to collecting all of the details required to perform an accurate assessment. Other key components are palpation, percussion, and auscultation. These components can furthermore improve the quality of the assessment being conducted. It can be indicated that an assessment is needed for the Cardiovascular System when one experiences "symptoms such as chest discomfort, nausea, pain spreading to arms, dizziness or lightheadedness, pain in throat or jaw, and excessive amounts of sweating" (Cold…). If these symptoms are experienced it may be an indicator that an assessment for the heart is …show more content…
For example having a healthy cardiovascular system helps the blood in the body flow better. "Cardiovascular exercise reduces the amount of plaque buildup and maintains the elasticity of your arteries" (What…). Having a strong and healthy cardiovascular system can also prevent diseases and help improve the body's ability to regulate temperature. There are also many other benefits such as controlled blood pressure and cholesterol which come with a healthy cardiovascular system. Having a well-functioning system improves the longevity of life and also improves the quality of life at the same