I chose Petroleum Engineering, because it is a fascinating field in engineering which helps the community by providing a supply of power in an efficient manner. Additionally, it is a job that is bountiful in Texas and as a plus the pay is amazing.…
Criminology-study of why people commit crime, understanding cause & effects to develop prevention & rehabilitation programs, understanding the trend of criminal behavior.…
For this assignment, you will research the http://www.phoenix.edu website and use the My Career Plan tools on eCampus. To complete this assignment, follow the directions provided in each section.…
In addition to determining what you're good at, a skills assessment also helps you figure out what you enjoy doing. The skills you use in your career should combine all characteristics. You can use the results of the skills assessment to make some changes by acquiring the skills you need for a particular career.…
List three career paths that were identified as a high match for your interests and abilities.…
We were introduced to this experiment with the statement that we were going to predict the number of rubber bands we needed in order to make a Barbie doll get as close to the ground without touching from a certain height that we would not know until the day of the jump. We were given two days, on day one we would test and then on day two we would be told the height and have to predict how many rubber bands we needed to make the jump.…
The career I picked for this project is a Biomedical Engineer. Biomedical engineers are employed in hospitals, in research facilities of educational and medical institutions, in teaching, and in government regulatory agencies. They often serve a coordinating or interfacing function, using their background in both engineering and medical fields. When working in a hospital the biomedical engineer may provide advice on the selection and use of medical equipment, as well as supervising its performance testing and maintenance. They may also build customized devices for special health care or research needs. While working at a research institution they supervise laboratories and equipment, and participate in or direct research activities in collaboration with other researchers with such backgrounds as medicine, physiology, and nursing. Some biomedical engineers are technical advisors for marketing departments of companies and some are in management positions. Some biomedical engineers also have advanced training in other fields. For example, many biomedical engineers also have an M.D. degree, thereby combing an understanding of advanced technology with direct patient care or clinical research.…
Did you know that criminal justice is interesting because it is not only action, it also deals with interesting cases that people might like depends on which case there are also science cases the reader will like every case that there is in criminal justice the department of political sciences and criminal justice is for students who are interested in the career or people who like to examine the big questions and problems facing society. The criminal justice program offers students the opportunity to make a difference in the criminal justice system or in different types of criminal justice. Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control deterring and mitigating…
After taking a survey I was matched with the career subculture of human services. With much extensive research, I discovered the career of criminology. Criminology is the scientific study of crime, including its causes, possible outcomes, effects on society, and methods of prevention. It is a branch of sociology, which is the study of social behavior. There are many fields of study that are used in criminology, including, statistics, psychology, biology, economics, and anthropology and much more that all imperatively rely on criminology.…
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent nonprofit organization supported by Deutsche Post Foundation. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its international network, workshops and conferences, data service, project support, research visits and doctoral program. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and concepts to the interested public. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion. Citation of such a paper should account for its provisional character. A revised version may be available directly from the author.…
My whole experience through Career’s class has been really amazing. I loved everything about it, my teacher, my classmates, the interesting fascinating assignments, everything. I am actually surprised because I discovered so much about myself and my personality. For example likes, dislikes, challenges, weaknesses, learning styles, strengths and a lot more.…
Criminology literally means the study of crime although it lengthens to a lot more. Studying criminology is more than just learning about what crime is, but also an elaboration on crime from different angles. Everyone that studies the subject has a different perspective of the definition of criminology and crime, hence the reason for such variation in the job sector once graduated. According to Coleman and Norris (2000), criminology is the analysis of the nature of crime, the offenders of crime, the causes of crime, the formulation of criminal laws and law enforcement, and the ways that crime can be controlled. White and Haines (2004) state that criminology focuses on three main areas of study: the sociology of law, theories of crime causation and the study of social responses to crime. Discussed further are justifications of why criminology should be granted as an academic discipline at university.…
There is an old saying that if you are trying to choose a career, you should think about what you are interested in, if you do not interested in your career, you may make a wrong decision. There are three reason to show choose career should be based on interest.…
Practicum experiences are intended to allow students to synthesize, apply and refine knowledge and skills learned in their academic experiences. In addition, practicum experiences are one of the primary ways in which department faculty members can observe and evaluate the skills of the student. Because of the importance of students’…
The paper provides an analysis of the literature about Leadership, Culture and Strategic HRM. Definitions and theories are followed by comparisons supported by critiques and applications. Eventually, conclusion is drawn at the end.…