1. What is the company’s strategy with respect to each of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix?
2. Based on the current marketing strategy, should the company’s promotion mix focus be on personal selling or on advertising?
3. What further questions might you ask Herr Wursching to help his company move toward a more relationship-based business and establish CRM initiatives? What other recommendations might you make for him with respect to CRM?
1. The company’s strategy with respect to each of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix:
• Product: They have come up with providing cell phone services with advanced satellite network and they have come up with five cell phone options for customers to choose from.
• Place: The Company’s corporate offices are located all around the world in different cities. The customer service outlets and retail sales are conducted through the company Web site, as well as though licensed electronics retailers. The company does not maintain its own customer service or retail locations.
• Price: Customer’s interested in paying a premium for worldwide cell phone coverage are what the company is looking for and in large volumes.
• Promotion: A Berlin-based advertising and public relations agency to develop a worldwide advertising campaign is doing the promotion for the company. Print and television ads have already entered the European market and will soon be shown in the U.S. market. Several promotions to get its product and name known are already in process.
2. Based on the Company’s marketing strategy, the company’s promotion mix should focus on advertising. Since they don’t have their own customer service, sales force, or retail locations and due to that fact, the company is receiving customer’s through the advertising. So I think it makes sense for them to focus on advertising heavily.
3. Further questions that I might ask Herr Wursching to help his company move toward a more relationship-based business and establish CRM