This case deals with the unstable work environment at the RRC Operations office in particular between Monique Ricard and Brian Coffey. Brian's work habits are poor and are becoming a detriment to office workflow. Now Monique must decide what to do with the employee whether to discharge, request a transfer or request a continuation of his probationary period.
The problems that Monique is facing with Brian include tardy assignments and lack of discipline in terms of punctuality around the office. He is continually handing in assignments either right at deadlines or exceeding them. In addition he has had unexplained prolonged absences in recent time.
The causes from these problems could be stemming from a number of sources, for one the structure of this department makes it very difficult for full time employees to get discharged without substantial evidence against them and this also involves a lot of unnecessary man hours. Another cause could be that the structure of the office is currently not finished, many positions are vacant which leaves Brian to handle an expanded work load. A last cause could be lack of fit between people as Brian has had a past history of these poor work habits and never seemed to adjust them.
The goals seem to be to set more structured deadlines for assignments, ensure that personnel files are kept more closely up to date and get the staff rate to at least eighty percent of full.
For the action alternatives one potential is to start enforcing a stricter probationary period, the current one seems far too laid back and instead the departments must constantly make personnel updates after every transfer of an employee so their work habits are properly detailed. Another would be to start looking to fill the Operations Centre positions more aggressively as right now almost fifty percent of the theorized staff is still vacant which creates higher workloads for the remaining workers. The last plan of action would be to