HRM 300
MWF 12:25-1:25
Case Application 1-B: Team Fun
I. Background
Team Fun is a sporting goods and equipment store founded by the brothers Kenny and Norton Bell after graduating college. After obtaining a loan from a bank, they started their business with themselves as the only 2 employees. Within the first 6 months, they hired 3 more employees to help deal with the new contract. Now they have 125 employees and build 3 suburban branches to fulfill the customers’ demands. The brothers face problem like different languages of the labeling on their products (from SideKicks) and that they do not know their employees.
II. Problem Statement
How can the workforce issues be resolved?
III. Point of View
Highest position point of view
IV. Objectives
1. Improve the language barrier
Globalization affects Team Fun since the businesses nowadays are not limited to their own territory anymore and are active even outside the country. SideKick seems to outsource its production to other countries since labeling the new prototype for the new soccer gear is in foreign languages.
2. Improve communication between employers and employees
The brothers experience a lack of knowledge of their employees that came with the growth of their company. They are not able to recognize everyone who works for Team Fun.
3. Satisfy their employees’ demands
One employees requests for a childcare facility to make the company more work/life friendly. Another employee asked for an insurance file claim from her optometrist.
V. Areas to consider (SWOT)
A weakness is that Norton and Kenny Bell only speak the English language. Some employees might be from a different country, so have another language as their mother tongue and have different cultures and traditions. They run their company for