which author you read, they all start with the very basis of Christianity and that is “Is Jesus Christ who he says He is?” There is more proof of Christ existence, than any other historical figure that has ever walked the face of the earth. Once we agree that Christ was a real historical person, we need to look closely at what he said. Many people, feel that Jesus was a good teacher. As the video stated, Muslims believe that he was a prophet whose teaching should be followed. When we look at his words, we are left with a difficult choice to either believe in Him completely or totally reject what he has said. There is no middle ground. It is without a doubt that he claimed that he was God. If someone says they are God, they either are telling the truth and we must fall down and worship him or as CS Lewis says that person is either a liar or lunatic and you can not go around calling them a good teacher or even a prophet.. Beyond these basics tenets of the Christian faith,there are so many questions that we are faced with as believers. How does the Bible matchup against science? If there is if God and He is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Each one of these topic could be the subject of its own devotional. These are questions to which each one of us should be able to give and answer. As we look at the first video, one of the criteria for being a christian is the “necessity of loving the truth”. I believe that this love for the truth should makes us want to seek out the answers to these questions and to be able to give a good and logic answer to those who would question christianity and our faith.
Too often in today's society there is a general lack of understanding of the truth. There's even a question as to whether there is such a thing as truth. Our society pushes relativism in almost every aspects of life. “What you believe is OK for you and I can believe something totally different and that's OK as well.” This philosophy often creeps into our christian thinking. The Bible, however is clear that there is only one truth and that God is truth. I think we therefore need to seek to know the truth and be ready to give an answer to those that would ask us questions. I believe that we would also be remiss, if we only were truth tellers and forgot about the other 14 criteria for being a christian. The 15 answers to the question “Äre you Christian?” speaks more to the way that we live our lives than what we say. As James says faith without works is dead. In no means, is this a nod to the idea that we can somehow earn our salvation, but that the reality of following Christ demands that we display the characteristics and lifestyle changes that are discussed in the video "Wretched". As Christians we are not perfect, we are saved
by grace. Although we have been forgiven of our sin, we still struggle to do right as Paul states in Romans 7:19 . If, however there's not a real change in who we are then one would have to question the validity of our salvation. The 15 Necessities of being a christian include, being Holy, forgiving and loving others, controlling our tongue and several others. These are not merely suggestions but commands given to us through scripture..They are things that we should aspire to do and they should be areas in which we see continued growth becoming more more like Christ each day.
Putting these two videos together I think, it sums up the essence of the Christian walk. First of all this should be a change in who we are and how others see us. Evangelism first starts with letting your light shine before men so they can see your good works and Glorify the Father Matthew 5:16 and then we should be able to give an answer for the for that hope that is within us I Peter 3:15, which requires diligent studying of the word and seeking out the truth so that we can share it with others.