evidence for Christ. All I knew were the logical reasoning that explained God's existence and nothing else. I believe God before this book but if someone were ask me why do you think God exists I would not know what to tell him. I wanted to know the evidence behind God so I would be able to defend myself. Besides that I also wanted to be able to strengthen my faith with this evidence and that was why I choose this book. The content of this book is very important to everyone who wants to find the truth. The content of this book is from the perspective of atheist who is a skeptic. There is no bias and if there is one it is bound to be toward the athiest side. The book shows evidence that God is real. Examples of this is how this book show how Jesus's mentality makes sense. Jesus forgave people of sins and if he were just a normal person he would not even think of doing this kind of thing. This book also proved most of contradictions of the Bible wrong. For example in the gospel one gospel says that Jesus walked out of Jericho to go some where but another one said that Jesus walked into Jericho. The book explains that Jesus might exited one of the two parts of Jericho and went into the other one. I feel like this was very important to write about to answer all the questions that the skeptics use to prove Christianity wrong. Case for Christ is a very important book for those who want to seek the truth.
This book applies to everyone because no matter what you do you will eventually have to answer the questions of life. This book can apply to those who deny God. This book is from the perspective of a skeptic a person who also denies God. The evidence provided for the proof of God from this book is very strong and can change someones faith completely. You can apply this to either seek the truth, strengthen your faith, or use it to defend your faith. I feel like this book teaches how you have to know all the information in order to judge things. All the contradictions that skeptics and atheists claim and truth can be proved wrong with fact and evidence that has also been proven right. Case for Christ has impacted my perspective in many ways. Now I have evidence besides logical reasoning to defend my faith. I feel like this book provides answers to the few but important questions in life and can impact