1. Explain how Foreman’s 3-day course could positively influence the profitability of Albertsons?
Answer: - The focus is on positive employee attitudes and the impact that it has on customers. Positive attitudes toward customer service may have an impact on profitability.
2. Johnston says, “Positive attitude is the single biggest thing that can change a business.” How valid and generalizable do you think this statement is? Answer: - Larry Johnston strongly believe in Ed Foreman’s program, and Johnston see how effective Foreman’s program, that’s why Johnston comments “Positive attitude is the single biggest thing that can change a business”. I think discussion should focus on the relationship between attitude and behavior and explore other approaches such as self-perception theory.
3. If you were Johnston, what would you do to evaluate the effectiveness of your $10-million investment in Foreman’s training program?
Answer: - Measure any improvement/degradation in employee attitudes. Could measure the rate of change in absenteeism, turnover, etc. Could examine customer satisfaction rates.
4. If you were an Albertsons’ employee, how would you feel about going through Foreman’s course? Explain your position.
Answer: - Albertsons is a huge grocery and drug company in United States. I feel proud to become a employee of such big company. As description of Larry Johnston about Ed Foreman’s motivation power it’s really amazing. The title of Foreman’s primary program is “Successful Life Course” and foreman’s other program is really innovative and successful. If I continue this course with Foreman then I can motivated and energetic and have some knowledge, then I implement this energy and knowledge to Albertsons to profit this company.