Agreeableness: How does she get along with others, as opposed to getting ahead of others? Again, it is likely she would score high on this factor. She is about being out with people (customers and employees) and listening to them. She has the ability to interact effectively with all constituencies of a consumer business. She could engage all three constituents in the same day. She is approachable and optimistic.
Extraversion: Fudge is self-confident, competitive, likes being around people (and in a team environment), decisive, goal-oriented, and drives to make an impact.
Neuroticism: How does she react to stress, failure, and personal criticism? Moderate to high on this factor. As her old boss pointed out, she is very comfortable with who she is and is not interested in pretending to be someone else (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2012, p.233). This indicates she can handle the personal criticism and deal with it. However, the fact that she decided to take some time off and do other things might show she was not dealing with the stress and pressure well.
• Analytic Intelligence: Although not as important in this case, her track record for high levels of success and performance indicates she likely has a high degree of general mental ability.
Practical Intelligence: Also known as “street smarts,” has been important in her new job. She has used her knowledge of the business and industry to land some very big new clients to the firm (i.e., Microsoft, Toys