Synopsis This case considers conflict and politics in organizational settings. Ramsey “‘Ramrod” Stockwell, vice president for Production at Benson Metals, is becoming very uncooperative and difficult. Ramrod is having frequent run-ins with sales, who are exasperated with his uncooperativeness and refusal to supply them with reliable information concerning delivery dates, and production scheduling. Most students feel the problems stem from Ramrod, his obstinacy and “rough diamond” personality. They favor firing to reducing conflict and getting Benson Metals back on track. The problem is due to the internal power structure, unchanged in a changed environment with more importance placed on production than on sales. More company revenues come from the production and specialty steels, only produced because of skills in manufacturing. Historically, sales has been the most important function in Benson, and it is not willing to relinquish power and prerogatives and adjust to changing realities. Backed into a corner, Ramrod is fighting to protect the integrity of his department by being uncooperative and hoarding power to make others dependent on him. The case illustrates the difference between personal and institutional power. It highlights the need to analyze the context of behavior, not just the behavior itself.
Teaching Objectives
1.To show students how the power structure in an organization changes as contingencies—from the environment and technology—change.2.To expose students to the sources of conflict in organizational settings.3.To provide a vehicle for an action plan to resolve organizational conflict and devise a strategy for change. Based on real people and events, the case is best used after Chapter 14, on conflict and politics, so students have can analyze the power structure. It takes from 45 minutes to an hour to analyze, and with the Rondell Data