1.) To what extent does Ingrid Johanns day coincide with the managerial work methods identified by Mintzberg? What roles are evident in her activities?
Johanns’ task to standardize Chevron-Texaco’s entire web site is as typical and demanding as it gets for managers. Chevron-Texaco is a worldwide, non-IT company that recently merges. Its IT departments are spread across the globe.
Interpersonal role because Johanns interact with others via internet and talking in personal inside and outside her work unit. Johanns also did informational role because she accepts and receive her people’s and even others opinion to develop an information network and last she has a decisional role Johanns goes to other offices to ask some questions that were posted to her and take advantages of opportunities.
2.) Identify the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions performed by Ingrid Johanns.
Ingrid Johanns plans on how can she find proper managers and programmers via the internet and call them. The next thing is approach this people in a right way. Then she organizes by laying out the project details in a meeting. Although going to a meeting may seem ordinary, IT meetings can require more than just explaining details. She leads her people by letting them ask her questions and letting them speak freely about their opinions. Lastly she controls the company by making herself like a helpdesk available to the technology people so that her people can keep in touch with her. She also keeps an eye on the technology’s evolution.
3.) What work agendas does she seem to have? How technical, human and conceptual skills come into play in her job?
Her agenda is to make her people more comfortable with her. To speak their opinions freely thus it will make the job easier. Ingrid Johanns have the technical, human and conceptual skills because she can