Min Jeong Ko
BA, BEd (primary) [postgraduate]
I would like to extend my gratitude to Associate Professor, John Lidstone without whom it would have been impossible for me to complete this study. I cannot emphasise enough how grateful I am for his encouragement and guidance throughout the times when I was lost and confused. With his endless effort and kindness, I have become more confident in being a researcher and a teacher.
I was lucky enough to get more help with writing this thesis from two other supervisors.
I thank Deborah Henderson for advices at the beginning of this study. I also thank
Mallihai Tambaya who has guided me through completing this study. I deeply appreciate her thoughtful advice and encouragement.
I thank my parents who allowed me to move to Australia. Even though they do not fully understand why I have decided to move to Australia and study for such a long time, they have continuously supported me throughout the process of this research.
I deeply appreciate other family members’ patience that they have been listening to my complaints and worries over the years.
I would like to thank Mr A, Mr B and Mrs C from the school where I carried out this research. Without their generosity and openness, I would have not been able to collect such rich data. They also helped me to collect data in such a comfortable and welcoming environment. Furthermore, their feedback on my teaching skills made me become more confident in teaching. I thank Mrs C who was the gatekeeper of the research and now has become the most supportive colleague and friend.
Last but not the least; I would like to thank students from 7A and 7B who opened up about their school life.
The current global and local issues of culture such as September 11, the Bali Bombings and the “Cronulla Riots” triggered a question
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