Cookwre was bought either by piece or in a boxed set. Below are two graphs about how cookware is bought and sold.
How is cookware bought:
How is cookware sold:
* There is a big potential in mass merchandise outlet, which has not been explored yet. * Enhance cooperative relationships with department store, because this is a very important sector with a large share in both purchasing and selling. * Direct sales doesn’t have a large share (only 5%), and the percentage that people buy through this channel is almost zero, so we need to consider if direct sales is necessary. * A large share of cookware is sold in 75 local specialty stores (27%), and we need to reduce the sales of this channel. * Target customers should be women from 30-55 with household income over $75,000. 2. What are Culinarian’s strengths and weaknesses? Why has the company been successful?
Strengths | Weakness | Strategy | Advertising | Very clear four strategic priorities | A fraction of Competitors | Product | Promotion | Unparalleled product quality | Lack of consistent and meaningful price discount events | Advanced performance technology | | Leader in metallurgy technology | | First manufacturer to provide the benefits of copper cookware with effortless and maintenance. | | Sales and Distribution | Market share | Very strong relationships with retailers | Low compared to other competitors (6.5%) | Eight experienced account managers | |
The success of Culinarian lies in the following aspects:
Above all, the company has very clear four strategies priorities. Furthermore, good execution is very important. Strategies play like a guideline, and all marketing and sales activities are launched under this guideline. Then, the company did a good job on preserving