Jessica is very overwhelmed and frustrated. Many times parents play many different roles in life outside of parenthood. Being a single mother is enough stress by itself. Jessica is trying to better both her and her child’s life by attending school, so sometimes she misses things.
1B.) What techniques or strategies could you try to get Jessica more involved in her daughter’s preschool program?
I would have a few meetings with all of the parents. I would first put a suggestion box at the classroom door and let the parents know we will be having a meeting at the beginning, middle, or end of the year to discuss activities, …show more content…
Courtney as she seeks to learn more about the Indian culture?
The Indian Culture Center and Temple is located in Eads, TN. It is a spiritual resource center for the community to provide religious education about the culture.
Case #3
3A.) How should Ms. Juanita respond to her colleague?
Ms. Juanita could ask her colleague what activities she offers in her classroom for the “hyper and out of control” kids. She could also ask questions such as, “Are they sitting too long?” and “How is his attention span?”
3B.) What preconceived notions might Ms. Juanita now have when this child comes to her classroom? If Ms. Juanita is not self-aware, how could these preconceived notions damage her relationship with this little boy and his family?
One preconceived notion Ms. Juanita might have is that the child will be the worst child in her classroom. This will cause her to have a non-sensitive, judgemental attitude with the little boy and his parents.
3C.) What can Ms. Juanita do to avoid these preconceived