Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a franchising fast food brand that was founded by Harland Sanders in 1956 and bases its core business in a secret seasoning mix of eleven herbs and spices recipe to fry chicken. The KFC through the last decades became one of the most famous fast food brands in the world with subsidiaries and franchising in different region of the world.
One of the purposes of KFC is to stabilize and strengthen its presence in the North Asia, with particular attention to Japan. In this country KFC is already present with more than 400 stores between Company and Franchise. Analyzing the situation through the Porter’s 5 forces we can consider the competitiveness of the market: high competitive to enter and to be into the market for the presence in it of strong multinational competitors such as McDonalds that introduce different kind of substitute product, but no one like the KFC secret recipe. All this competitors create high barrier and push away the possibility of new entries in game: it costs too much to try to enter both in terms of cash then in efforts. On the other hand raw materials are easily recoverable and KFC can switch from one supplier to the other without any problem, totally different for the customers that have a wide choice of products of similar category. Through the 5 forces analysis it is possible to say that competitiveness of the market is medium/high level.
In order to identify and to evaluate KFC strengths and weaknesses we are going to analyze KFC strengths and weaknesses and how are them related with possible opportunities and threats. Main important aspects of this brand are the uniqueness of the fry chicken recipe (so the product) and the strong franchising net they had that make KFC a well know brand but on the other hand this strength hide weakness inside because create a low differentiation of product in portfolio with low level of chance to create innovative product. More than