Organisation structure is extremely important to a company. Without proper structure the company cannot run effectively. The authors will critically analyse the goals and objectives and the current operating structure within Mars and give recommendations.
The authors will design an appropriate operating structure for Mars. The chosen operating structure is based on a product structure.
Organisations are not a new concept; despite this there is varying opinions in the business world on what defines an organisation.
Hodge, Anthony, and Gales, (2003; p10) defines an organisation as “as two or more people working together cooperatively within identifiable boundaries to accomplish a common goal or objective.”
A further definition is provided by Daft,( 2007;p10) and states organisations are “(1) social entities that (2) are goal-directed, (3) are designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems, and (4) are linked to the external environment.”
2.0 Background of Mars Corporation
Mars is a powerful player in the confectionery, pet food and food vending business with annual sales estimated at $13 billion. It has a rich brand mix such as Snickers, Milky Way, and M&M’s.
Mars operate in a highly competitive market which has seen major consolidations of its competitors Hersey’s, Nestle and Cadbury Schweppes. Mars are no longer the market leader, yielding market share to its competitors in both the domestic and foreign fronts.
Mars is a Family owned business run by Brothers John and Forrest Jr. who enjoy running their business very much. Mars enjoys excellent brand awareness and equity in the market place and it pursues a strong quest for product quality. There are tight control elements in Mars. Cost reductions and production utilisation policies are the main mantra at Mars.
There is a lack of trust between employees and management and the organisation is disjointed from a customer and staff perspective.
The company
Bibliography: Burns, T. & Stalker, G.M., (1961) The Management of Innovation, London, Tavistock. Daft R. L. (2007) Understanding the Theory and Design of Organisations, Thompson South-Western. Griffin, R.W. (1999) Management, 6th edition, New York, Houghton Mifflin. Hodge et al (2003) Organisational Theory, A Strategic Approach, 6th ed. New Jersey; Prentice Hall. Jones (2007) Organisational Theory, Design and Change, 6th edition. New Jersey; Pearson & Prentice Hall. Peters, T.J. & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In search of Excellence; Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, New York, Harper Collins Publishing Inc. Mintzberg, H. (1979) Theories of Organisation Structure: A Synthesis of Research, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. Tiernan et al (2006) Modern Management; Theory and Practice for Irish Students, 3rd edition, Dublin: Gill & Macmillian.