This programme was started because of lack of innovation and availability of drugs in tropical regions, especially; for diseases that are indigenous to the tropical regions.
Drugs for diseases like the African sleeping sickness, dengue fever, kwashiorkor, malaria, tuberculosis etc., are only 1% of the newly developed drugs. Due to patent incentives for the Western pharmaceutical companies and lack of payers for the drugs in the Tropics, drug availability is minimal in these areas; they make and supply drugs only in regions where they can sell patented products to cover their research cost. The programme aims to supply cheap drugs to the affected people, there were two main proposals as the programme …show more content…
Both were unwilling to invest money and resources without any fruitful returns. Finally, they suggested an Open Source approach to drug development, called the Tropical Disease Initiative. According to their website, “We envisage TDI as a decentralized, Web-based, community-wide effort where scientists from laboratories, universities, institutes, and corporations can work together for a common cause.” TDI advocates majorly on the cost of drug discovery, which is their major crisis. Firstly, it would also give scientists and researchers an instant and interactive way of donating their intellect and manual power that is needed mostly in emergencies without actually employing them. Secondly, these discoveries would not be patented, so that sponsors could give development contracts to lowest bidder. As, the generic drug makers will keep manufacturing prices would be close to the factory gate price, which would accelerate drug development for 500 million people are tropical disease victims …show more content…
In the various purviews of its functioning, one unit of the company is called iMed (Innovative Medicines & Early Development) Biotech. iMed launched a website to support various open source innovation programmes and to facilitate better research and collaborations with academia, governments, industry and industry. The main agenda is directed at the scientist around the globe to access AstraZeneca’s Open Innovation Programmes which are inclusive of the