“It is the partnership and teamwork that underpinned the company and transformed the world!”
The blackberry has challenged a number of very basic concepts in work and life. It eliminates distance and time and challenges the boundaries between work and home. It has enabled us to do things that would have been impossible 10 years ago. As a company itself RIM breaks the status quo by encouraging teamwork, empowering, developing, and taking care of their employees. Their focus on employees has made them one of Canada’s top 100 Employers in 2009.
Name:Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM)
Address:Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Offices:North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific
Objective: “Stay in Motion,” joke – SIM ( ha, ha, just like the simm card that holds the permanent memory in the phone itself)
Revenues:$11.07 Billion for fiscal year ending February 28, 2009
Market Share:54% of the US; & still gaining ground in Europe, Latin America & Asia.Partnership: Mike Lazaridis & Jim Balsillie.
CEO’s:Mike Lazaridis- Founder – 1984 -Current
Jim Balsillie- Cofounder- Leads Business Strategy – 1992-Current
Business: Blackberry and a host of Wireless Solutions for networking the
“Worldwide Mobile Communications Market.”
Service:Provides wireless internet and e-mail services.
Provides:Security and reliability of its service and Blackberry App World
Manufacture: The Blackberry Smartphone.
Core Values:Teamwork and Egalitarianism.
Competition:The Apple iPhone, Nokia, Palm, Google and many others.
Products:Laptops, desktops, other smart phones.
Customer Base: Business (the road warrior) and Consumers.
Largest Customer: Verizon ?Business Methodology: “Stay on the Move”
Ability Diversity; see’s as a strength and provides training to all employees who want to take it.
Differences are Assets; see’s being different and pursuing your own career path can be a