1. Meet with the Roanoke branch CEO to discuss the issues and concerns regarding employees and client complaints.
• Since the branch CEO oversees all operations of the branch, it is essential to determine how perceives overall operations of the branch.
• Through this meeting, I will determine whether the CEO understands the concerns of the head office regarding customer complaints and employee morale.
• In addition, I will discover not only what issue the branch CEO recognized, but also the actions taken to rectify any of these problems.
2. Observe Roanoke branch employees over the course of several days.
• This will allow me to determine how well employees interact with each other, their supervisors, other departments within …show more content…
4. Conduct employee interviews in departmental groups.
• The use of these interviews will allow me to determine if the employees in each group have the same viewpoint as to what problems are occurring within the branch.
• In addition, I can verify whether the perspective of all employees is similar, is there contrasting views between the different departments.
5. Administer an anonymous survey to the Roanoke branch employees.
• With this method, I expect each employee to contribute more information regarding problems with management, the flow of ideas and creative efforts since there is diminished fear of retribution.
• These surveys, combined with the group interviews, will gauge the actual landscape of how employees view the problems within the branch, and are instrumental in determining what actions to use in resolving any problems.
6. Send a questionnaire to each client serviced by the Roanoke branch in the past year.
• With these observations, I will gain the clients view of the performance and quality of service rendered.
• Likewise, I will also acquire how each client rates the communication from each project team regarding status, artwork, …show more content…
How does management incorporate subordinates ideas, and how has that changed in the past twelve months?
• With this question, I would learn whether there is a lack of communication and exchange of ideas between employees and management, and when these problems first surfaced.
2. Please provide the top three problems you observed with operations at the Roanoke branch. What changes would you incorporate to resolve the problems you observed, and how will they improve branch operations.
• Through this question, I plan on gathering information on how each employee evaluates the operations of the branch, and gather possible solutions to underlying problems.
3. With regard to overtime, how does your supervisor inform you that you need to work said overtime? Are you aware that overtime is optional? What, if any, compensation do you receive?
• This will provide me with information as to how the branch is assigning overtime, and determine how many employees know what the overtime policy states as to their right to compensation.
1. What is your view regarding the services and quality of product produced by the Roanoke branch of Phoenix Advertising?
• By answering this question, the client will provide me information on the services rendered to them from the Roanoke