Graduate School
Manila, Philippines
Case Study:
The Seven Secrets of Inspiring Leaders
In partial fulfillment of the course requirements in
GMB 715-Human Behavior in Organization
Submitted by:
Bontogon, Geneve Praise
Claudio, Claudine
Neria, Glaiza
Santos, Diane
Submitted to:
Prof. Carmen Pichay
March 22, 2014
Table of Contents
Executive Summary (Summary 2 paragraphs..situation) done
Facts(Triggering Event, Why did it happen..what are the impacts. Connect also to current events. Can be applied to the experiences of current employees in our generation) III.
Time Context (time the case happened) not applicable “gawa gawa nlng if ever”
Perspective (point of view ng organization,key decision maker,student or mixed)
Issues, Problems, Approaches (main primary and sub problem) DIANE
Challenges (something from HBO group, present problem) DIANE
Analysis (assessment,evaluation of situation/theories) DIANE
Critical Success Factor (proposed solution, what did you read in the newspaper or what current events you can connect/methodology)
Lessons Learned
Executive Summary
American business professionals are uninspired. Through a research conducted by Matriz
Research Poll, it was revealed that only 10% of the employees are motivated to go to work. Also, it revealed that lack of leadership is the major cause of the lack of motivation. A writer, probably, a business person as well, conducted interviews and researches about professional communications for the past years that led, eventually, to the discovery of the seven techniques that can be adopted in the system of communication and leadership in the workplace.
The first technique, suggests that a leader must demonstrate enthusiasm constantly. It states that passion and love for work, if shown in a consistent manner, can greatly affect others.
Everything starts with passion and with passion nothing