Vegas Issues was fortunate enough to receive insight from the CEO on the foundation of the business and how it expanded to get where it is today:
"Shirtwascash started from a few online posts two years ago from a laptop in my bedroom. Since then we've grown into an international brand with over a million dollars in sales projected for this year. We combine popular user-submitted …show more content…
I was stuck in a corporate job I didn't like and saw a post online on reddit reposting a bunch of crazy t-shirt design ideas that originated on 4chan. The internet loved them, as well as I did, so I put together a voting platform for people to choose their favorites. This company helps solve an immense problem - the lack of authenticity in the world and a message that it's okay to be different. We typically become friends with others because we decided to share who we actually are for one reason or another. Our products have proven to be a source of confidence and fun that closes that gap in most public …show more content…
Three had to fail, each possessing massive learning curves until I got it right. I believe too many entrepreneurs are influenced to have unrealistic expectations of what kind of impact their company should have on the world - it's not entirely true but I tend to call it the Silicon Valley mindset. Real entrepreneurs are masters at problem solving and you can accomplish amazing feats when you finally find an opportunity you truly care about. Thankfully for me, I never cared about money or being famous - I cared about individual anonymous people online. Their stories inspire me