Twitter, a website provides online social network and microblog services, is gradually seeping through into every area of life. It was listed as the most important invention in
2009. The same with Facebook who also provide online social network service, more and more people are feeling rely on Twitter, and could not get rid of it. On twitter, we send a real-time mail which is also known as tweets to millions of people around the world within 140 characters. As users, we could share our latest news and ideas to the followers through website interface, SMS from cell phones and mobile device apps; meanwhile, we also can get the instant information about what is happening among the followings, the country and the world. On the technology aspect, Twitter has always based on open source software from the back-end to the front-end.
Nowadays, Twitter has became the top ten most visited websites. Before it was known as “Twitter”, its founders named it “Twttr”. Twttr’s idea came from Dorsey, one of the cofounders, who expressed to “enable users carrying standard cellular phones to update small groups of people on their current situation by pressing a few buttons and tapping out message.” At the spring of 2006, Dorsey sent the first tweet, and then, launched
“Twttr” through the turmoil of headcount trimming in the same year together with the cofounders, Williams and Stone. Twttr became Twitter in 2007. We could feel the name as the buzzing of the SMS message alters and chips from birds. In this year, Twitter began to hit the market and its users kept growing in the next several years contributed from its word-of-mouth promotion. During its growth, the company continued to get venture capital invents. A lot of large companies were interested in Twitter as they thought
Twitter has audiences in hands which would be lucrative.
However, by 2011, the company still had problems which may bring risks in the future.
According to the paper, the
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