This information is paramount to the business decision making given that there may be constraints and potential risks related to limited resources and limited budgets (Stevens, 2009). As such, a phased implementation approach allows sufficient time for changes if the needs arise to ensure that the objectives and plans are created prior to establishing the enterprise-level information. Additionally, this level represents a substantial financial commitment (Stevens, 2009).
Moreover there are four phases of Project Management Implementation process: Initia¬tion, Project-Level Installation, Enterprise- Level Installation, and Maintenance. A description of each phase includes.
1. Initiation Phase
The purpose of this phase is to gather information on the organization, to remediate any current risk and set the stage for the Installation phases (Stevens, 2009). Furthermore, a plan for the project-level installation phase is developed and key resources are created that will be utilized during the remaining installation phases of the project. These steps are outlined in AC 1.2 and AC 1.3 the project charter. Notably Ac 1.2 presents an overview of the company along with the goals of Grace Kennedy and also the goals of the project. The project charter sets out the key milestones and the level of potential …show more content…
Maintenance Phase
The purpose of the maintenance phase is the transition of updated information from the project management team to the organization. This includes the supporting day-to-day responsibilities for planning and controlling of the project. At this point, the project plans are well developed for implementation (Stevens, n.d). Of course, the project manager and other team members who are responsible for launching the new product Sweety come brush me cane juice for Grace Kennedy will certainly provide weekly reports of any changes and status related to the project to the relevant authorities of the organization.
The author Thomas P. Stevens has utilized the Phase approach to project management implementation for several Fortune 1000 companies which enables its clients to successfully complete their most important projects on time, within budget and to the intended level of quality (Stevens, n.d). The researchers found the literature credible and reliable. Additional, it aids other researchers to conclude their research.
Moreover, a phased approach does not only maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the project management consulting firm, but most importantly the organizations they served. Additionally, It allows sufficient time in the initial phases to gather vital, first-hand information, overcomes resistance to change, and provides a well-defined and successful