The Management Action Plan (MAP) provides both short-term and long-term strategic roadmaps for the improvements in the Government of the Republic of Palau envisioned to take place during the second term of President Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. and new
Vice-President Elias Camsek Chin (2005-2008). The Plan expands upon the specific short and long-term recommendations that were developed in the President’s first term, through the review and analysis of a number of National Planning Documents and through a comprehensive process of governmental management and employee interviews. Planning Documents consulted included the following major planning documents: The
Palau 2020 National Master Development Plan; the 2000 JICA Final Report ((‘The Study for Promotion of Economic Development in the Republic of Palau’); The Public Sector
Investment Program (PSIP), The Cost Reduction Plan; the Palau National Committee on
Population and Children (CoPopChi); The Palau National Youth Policy; and the National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). Other national program specific planning documents were also consulted and integrated into the Report (See Attachment
II). – Revise Attachment II
The MAP also takes into account and integrates the Millennium Goals and Targets established in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. (See Section IV)
A. Time Frames
The MAP recommendations have once again been developed within the context of phased time frames for implementation. The establishment of different time frames is based upon the recognition that certain programmatic and structural improvements can be achieved in a relative short period of time while others will require a longer developmental period to complete. Implementation time frames are as follows:
The First Year
The Second Year
The Third Year
This phasing of the recommendation recognizes that the capacity of the government to undergo change