• Sex Traffickers: Interested in making a profit through the sexual exploitation of children. Without the hotel, they would be forced conduct their business elsewhere.
• Sex Tourists: Sex Tourists are interested in victimizing children for their sexual satisfaction without fear of being prosecuted or arrested.
• Victims of Trafficking: Victims would have the interest of not being exploited by sex traffickers that have been attracted by the development of the hotel. Victims do not have any real power.
• Tourists: Tourists would like to not be mixed into sexual exploitation of children. They have the power to avoid the hotel so they …show more content…
Therefore, in the case of The Carlson Company, I would state that it is not ethical, based on their company philosophy, to build a hotel in that specific location. Although it is true that no rights are being violated, it a virtuous decision to not potentially empower such a toxic practice. By using their services, consumers should feel secure that they won’t be exposed to child sex Tourism. By having a major hotel located in an area where it’s a major concern, throws away that credibility. It blatantly says that the company is more interested in profitability and expansion than it is in having no association to child sex tourism. Consequently, it would open the hotel to being susceptible to sex trafficking, and provides an avenue of abuse for would be traffickers to conduct their …show more content…
This is no small task, as Papagayo is notorious for child trafficking. This could moreover, become an ample opportunity for the company to step up against trafficking. To successfully pull this off, the company would be smart to concoct a multi-layered plan. The first step would be to announce that in aligning itself with a location located with child sex tourism that it will be doing its part to help eliminate the practice from the area. This can include training employees and staff on how to identify and prevent practices of child sex tourism in the area and in the hotel. Employees can also be vetted so that they don’t have prior history to criminal activates so they aren’t susceptible to being bribed of traffickers. As stated previously, it won’t eliminate the risk, but will go a long way in controlling it. It is also recommended that the company supports local agencies and foundations that aim to destabilize the child sex tourism industry in the area. Management can then send a representative to the hotel to ensure that is it abiding by every code and that the risk for sexual exploitation and trafficking is reduced as much as