Today many women, men, and children are victims of human trafficking. Every single country has humans that are being trafficked. The ILO says in an article; the Asia-Pacific region accounts for the largest …show more content…
number of forced laborers in the world-11.7 million of the global total. These people are considered as being trafficked because they are being controlled or cannot leave somewhere on their own. The International Labor Organization Estimates that forced labor and human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide. Traffickers just have victims so they can make them money. Traffickers make money buy selling the victims body for a few hours, or selling them completely.
One of the top categories for human trafficking is labor trafficking. According to Polaris, Human Trafficking is a form of modern slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Labor trafficking jobs can be agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. The ILO says in an article that there are an estimated 20.9 million people that are victims of forced labor. Many of these people are forced to work long hours at work with little or no break. Many people are forced to work long hours so they can produce more product.
Many people sell their bodies for money to survive, but many sell their bodies because they are forced to by a trafficker.
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center explains that Sex trafficking has been found in a wide variety of venues within the sex industry, including residential brothels, escort services, fake massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. Sex trafficking can occur where ever in the world. Globally, the International Labor Organization estimates that there are 4.5 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally. person is selling somebody else’s body and this is called sex trafficking. Sex traffickers are getting rich by selling innocent bodies for a couple hours. According to UNICEF, as many as two million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade. It is not just adults that are being sold for a couple of hours it is also small innocent children that are being bought for a couple of
I interviewed Veronica, Julian, and Ricardo. I asked each of these individuals if their parents get paid minimum wage. I also asked them how are the condition of the place they work at. Veronica said in her interview that her dad works in construction and get paid very well. She also explained to me that the conditions of where her dad works is very nice. Julian explained to me that his dad gets paid very well and also works in a nice place. Julians dad works as a manager in a store. Ricardo said to me that his dad works in the fields picking blueberries he explained to me that his dad gets paid by how much buckets of blueberries they get done in a day. He also explained to me that the conditions of the job are not very good, because they have to go to the bathroom in portable toilets and sometimes work in 100 plus degree weather. Many people work in safe and clean environments. While some work in not good working conditions. Many jobs are not labor trafficking, but some are very close to it because of the working conditions and the pay of the job.
There are many resource centers and 1-800 hotline numbers that people can call and get help. There are also many organization and websites online that people can get more information on how they can get help. These resource centers are there to help people that are needing help. These 1-800 hotlines are here to help, but there are still so many people that are being trafficked. Many people that are being trafficked are scared to tell the truth because their traffickers might threaten them not to tell anybody about them. Many people are still being trafficked all over the world. The hotline numbers are only there for people who want to call and get help.
Traffickers need to be stopped all over the world because several people are being tortured by their traffickers. Traffickers usually prey on the most vulnerable members of society; people burdened with poverty,disability, and discrimination. Traffickers usually manipulate a person to think everything is going to be okay. Labor trafficking needs to be stopped because these people are suffering from working long hours. Sex trafficking also needs to be stopped because freedom is being taken away. No one in the world should be controlled by somebody else.
Human trafficking is a serious issue that is occurring all over the world. Many people do not realize how many people are being tortured, abused, and controlled by another person. Many resource centers say human trafficking is modern day slavery. There are many diffrent categories for human trafficking. Forced labor is one category where most people are being trafficked. Forced labor can be in agriculture, manufacturing and construction companies. These people that are being forced to work get little or no pay. They also work in unsafe working conditions. Sex trafficking is the second category for human trafficking. Many traffickers sell their person for a couple of hours and make money. Human trafficking is a serious issue all over the world. Many people do not realize how many people really are being enslaved in the world. Their are many 1800 numbers that can be called so many people can get help, but does not really do much because their is still around 35 billion people being enslaved in the world. Every single person needs to be careful on what offers they accept.