In the video “Zachary learns more sign language” the young child used unaided AAC, using his body to convey messages through gestures, body language and signing. Zachary signed please, juice, and thank you in “his own way.” The use of unaided AAC could be improved by providing him with more time in between his requests and the food item awarded (while Zachary was eating the adult verbally prompted him to say a target word). The amount of cues that the adult provided could also decrease to allow the child to spontaneously request items. Furthermore, when Zachary signed for juice, the …show more content…
A crucial gesture was during the first minute of the video (~0:55 s) when he protested, by slamming his hand on the tray. Additionally, he revocalized the adult’s verbal response when she used a high pitch and praised him when he used the correctly requested for the cookie. His behaviors demonstrated how he socialized with the adult, and was spontaneous.
1. What do you see in the video that can be improved? Are there any instances when the use of AAC, either symbolic or nonsymbolic/unaided, could be increased?
In the video “Andy using PECS Part 1” Andy used the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) which is a low tech AAC. The use of AAC could be improved by allowing Andy to have full access of his PECS communication book. In one instance, the adult covered the PECS communication book while Andy attempted to formulate a new request.
2. Are the vocabulary and objects used for teaching the use of an AAC system appropriate and functional?
The vocabulary and objects appeared to be appropriate and functional because Andy had the food in front of him (cheese puffs and soda) and television, which were the immediate choices in his PECS communication