Antolini I think that he will try harder next time. I feel that he learned a lot and grew from that conversation. I was kind of a rude awaking for Holden. I thought he was not going to go back to any school, but it looks like he was going to go back. I think that the ordeals he went made him want to go back.
What would have happened if his parents would have found out his was in the city from someone else. I think they would have been very upset. I think the author’s intent was to show the consequences of the adult decisions. For instance, him getting drunk and him dropping and breaking his sisters record. Another example of that is him getting kicked out of Pencey and having to survive by himself.
This book was very good the story line was great. However, I strongly disliked Holden he is just not been the mostly likeable person. I never really could connect this book to my life. I could connect it to the world today by actions lead to consequences good or bad. Overall, it was a really good