Greening School’s
Green Chemistry Lesson
Glue From Milk
Examine how a chemical reaction can change into a new product,
2. Understand how renewable resources can be used in our everyday lives
Green Chemistry Principles
Safety first and last
Use renewable resources
IL State Standards (Science)
11.A, 12.B, 12.C, 12.E, 13.B
2 one-ounce medicine cups
Safety goggles
Plastic spoon (reuse)
Basket-type coffee filter
2 9-once clear (reusable) plastic cups
3-quart package of powdered non-fat milk
1 ½ cups vinegar
8 ounce box of baking soda set of measuring spoons
Measuring cup
Hot water (1/3 – ½ cup)
Plastic or newspaper (to cover table if necessary) Paper for gluing
Towels for cleanup
Middle School (Use as a demonstration for elementary school)
Curd, Whey, Casein, Rennin
One class period
Utilizing renewable resources in the classroom visually illustrates the principles of Green
Chemistry. The Milk and Glue activity demonstrates to the students that you can take a renewable resource-milk in this case, and through a chemical reaction, turn it into a usable product such as glue. The activity also shows the students that chemistry can be fun. One batch of glue will be made, although this glue does not have a long shelf life.
Measure ¼ cup of hot water
Pout into a clear 9-ounce cup
Add 2 tablespoons of powdered mil to the water and stir until dissolved.
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to the mixture and stir. You should see the milk begin to separate into solid chunks of curd and a watery liquid called whey.
5. Stir until the milk is well separated. [This separation works best when the milk is very warm or hot. That is why powdered milk and hot water are used. If your
milk does not separate well, try a little more vinegar or try heating it. If it