Child abuse is an action by the person in charge of caring for the child, whether it be a parent,…
The different forms of child abuse are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and Shaken Baby Syndrome. Physical abuse is violence directed toward a child by a parent. Emotional abuse is when the victim feels worthless and rejected. Sexual abuse is sexual contact between the child and an adult or even the perpetrator speaks to the child in a sexually explicit way. Neglect is when parents fail to take care of their child’s basic physical, emotional, disciplinary, and educational needs. Shaken Baby Syndrome is a form of child abuse, which occurs with startling frequency toward babies and very small children. SBS results when an infant is violently shaken, causing fractured bones, internal organ injuries, and severe brain damage.…
Child maltreatment, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect, includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to a child’s health, development or dignity. Within this broad definition, five subtypes can be distinguished – physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and negligent treatment, emotional abuse and exploitation (The world health organisation).…
1. The different forms of child abuse are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Physical abuse is violence on a child by a parent or a caregiver. Some examples of physical abuse are hitting, kicking, and punching. Emotional abuse is where the victim feels rejected and worthless without using physical harm. Some examples are name-calling, threatening, and rejection. Sexual abuse is sexual contact or speaking sexual to a person or child. Some examples are showing private areas and speaking sexual to a child. Neglect is when a parent fails to give the child basic needs like emotional and physical needs. Some examples are leaving the child unsupervised for long periods and not enrolling the child in school. Shaken baby syndrome is when a baby or child is shaken violently. It is a form of physical child abuse that occurs to younger children.…
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Someone may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by people they know or by a stranger, for example, through the internet. They may be abused by one or more adults, or another child or children. Child abuse can have major long-term effects on all aspects of a child's health, development and well being.…
Physical abuse is when a child is physically hurt or injured. Hitting, kicking, beating with objects, throwing and shaking are all physical abuse, all of these can cause immense pain and broken bones or in worse cases, death.…
The types of child abuse are: Physical Abuse - This is when a child is deliberately hurt, injured or made ill by someone through things such as hitting, smacking or kicking, or using objects and medicines to cause a child harm. Sexual Abuse - When a child is is held against their will and forced into various sexual activities. These sexual activities…
Child abuse occurs is when a caretaker inflicts physical harm to a child while in their care on purpose. There are many forms of child abuse, such as physical abuse, fetal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse (Childhelp,…
It is recognised that that it is abuse when someone inflicts harm or fails to prevent it. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or by a stranger, for example, via the internet. Child abuse can have major long-term effects on all aspects of a child's health, development and well being. The main forms of ill-treatments are:…
Definitions of child maltreatment vary among the literature because the lack of homogeneity in what constitutes child maltreatment differs by country. Though one consistent part of every definition was that child maltreatment is the physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect inflicted by adults towards children (Butchart, Harvey, Mian, Furniss & Kahane, 2006). To further grasp this issue you need identify and understand the definitions of each sub category that makes up child maltreatment: Physical abuse is often difficult to identify as there are many different cultural acceptances, religion. Children may also feel loyalties to parents and siblings, which often prevent the open declaration of the levels of abuse that actually exist (Butchart, Harvey, Mian, Furniss &…
Children are usually abused by someone in their immediate family cycle. This can include parents, brothers, sisters, babysitters and other familiar adult. Children can be abused by age of up to 18 years and they likely to be at risk of physical injuries, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse or verbal abuse. Child abuse can have major long term effects on all aspects of a child’s health, development and well being. The main forms of maltreatment are:…
The different forms of child abuse are physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Physical abuse is when a child’s parent or guardian is being violent to the child. For example; hitting, choking, pushing, and shaking. Emotional abuse is when the child is not physically harmed but is abused by words that are said, for example; calling them names, threatening them, exploitation, and abandonment. Sexual abuse has many different views on it, it could be speaking to someone in an explicit way, expose them to pornography, or may expose their private areas to them. Neglect is the most common reported form of child abuse. An example of neglect is when parents do not feed, clothe, or clean their child. Another example is when parents may fail to care for their child’s basic physical, emotional, disciplinary, and/or educational needs. And shaken baby syndrome, it could happen to babies and very small children, it happens when parents or guardian violently shakes them, which causes fractured bones, organ injuries, and severe brain damage, and for the ones who survive are often left with mental disabilities.…
Child abuse is not just a onetime attack but it is usually a series of episodes that is not just physical; but also emotional. Child abuse is the bodily, sexual, emotional maltreatment of a child that could lead to serious physical harm or even death. Neglect is also another form of child abuse it is the “deprivation of adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or…
2. Child abuse is any physical injury, physical neglect, emotional injury, or sexual act inflicted upon a child. Several indicators, including a child’s behavior, may indicate the occurrence of child abuse.…
One way that child abuse is defined by The Columbia Encyclopedia as “physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by Legal Guardians, guardians, or others responsible for a child's welfare” (Columbia Encyclopedia Para 1). The first criteria is physical maltreatment of a child by a parent or guardian. On the other hand, the Dictionary of Youth Justice defines it as “Child abuse is a generic term used to describe a range of actions or omissions that are likely to be injurious to, or to compromise, a child’s development, health or safety.” (Horwath , para. 1)The second criteria is compromising a child’s development. Also, it can be defined as “Child abuse occurs when a parent or caretaker physically, emotionally, or sexually mistreats or neglects a child resulting in the physical, emotional, or sexual harm or exploitation; imminent risk of harm or exploitation; or in extreme cases, the death of a child.” (Gale Para 1). The third criteria is sexual exploitation of a child. In Summary, Child abuse can be defined as physical maltreatment, compromising a child’s development, and the sexual exploitation of a…