Karen Britten
21 Oct 2013
How Social Media Impacts Social Interaction
Each day millions of people log on to their phones or computers and communicate with each other through chat rooms and text messages. Social media has gotten rid of the need to communicate by mail, enabling us to interact 24/7 with more people than ever before. This interaction results in more people being involved in an abundant number of relationships through technology. These social networking sites open up numerous connections with other people and information. Unfortunately, social media has negatively affected these interactions, leading to a loss of authentic dialogue, a change in the way people perceive each other, and an increase in cyber bullying.
To begin, social media has caused people to engage in face-to-face contact less often and hide their emotions behind their text messages. In the workplace, the use of electronic communication has overtaken face-to-face and voice-to-voice communication by a wide margin. This major shift has been driven by two major forces: the geographic dispersion of business, and the lack of comfort with traditional interpersonal communication among a growing segment of our employee population: Gen Y and Millennials. Studies show that these generations – which will comprise more than 50% of the workforce by 2020 – would prefer to use instant messaging or other social media rather than stop by an office and talk with someone. This new communication preference is one of the “generational gaps” plaguing organizations as Boomers try to manage to a new set of expectations and norms in their younger employees, and vice versa. With these trends, business managers must consider the impact on business relationships and the ability to collaborate effectively, build trust, and create employee engagement (Tardanico 3). According to Paul Booth, PhD, an assistant professor of media and cinema studies in the College of Communication at DePaul
Cited: Clarke-Pearson, Kathleen. "The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families." American Academy of Pediatrics. 127. (2011): 800-804. Web. Keller , Maura. "Social Media and Interpersonal Communication." SocialWork Today. N.p., 10 May 2013. Web. 16 Oct 2013. . Tardanico, Susan. "Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?." Forbes Magazine. N.p., 30 Apr 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2013. . Yu, Alan. "What Gets Lost in Our Carefully Crafted Conversations." All Tech Considered. NPR, 29 Sep 2013. Web. 20 Oct 2013. . "Cyber-Bullying and its Effect on our Youth." American Osteopathic Association. American Osteopathic Association. Web. 16 Oct 2013.