Homelessness in Australia can be defined in three categories; ‘Primary homelessness’ which is experienced by people without conventional accommodation, ‘Secondary homelessness’ is experienced by people who frequently move from one temporary shelter to another and ‘Tertiary homelessness’ which is experienced by people staying in accommodation that falls below minimum community standards. The first stimuli picture shows a person who is living though primary homelessness, living on the streets with only a few blankets to sleep with. Homeless people generally feel embarrassed, isolated and depressed; they are also cold, hungry and become lonely. They usually need medical attention, medications, blanket, clothing and in need of a friendship. In Australia there are 105, 237 people affected by homelessness and 27% of them are under 18. There are 59% of them either living in overcrowded dwelling or supported accommodation and the other 41% are living on the streets or in boarding houses specify designed for the homeless.
There are many causes that lead to homelessness in Australia, some of which include; long term unemployment, shortage of affordable rental housing, poverty, mental illness and the exiting of state care or prison. Domestic violence is the largest cause of homelessness in Australia. Homelessness can also be caused by family breakdown, sexual assault, drug and alcohol addictions, gambling and social isolation. Some people especially adolescences are homeless because they were kicked out of home, have a lack of education or were abandoned by their family and friends. Homelessness usually results in being away from family, friends and the rest of the community so it is difficult to maintain school or further study which leads to them being vulnerable to long term unemployment and chronic ill-health. Homeless Australians are often excluded from participating in social, recreational, cultural and economic opportunities. All