Mrs. Brown
AP English Language
November 24th, 2013
Animal Abuse in Slaughterhouses Slaughterhouses kill millions of animals every year; innocent animals are confined into feeding areas and cut and slaughtered alive. The slaughterhouses ethics have not changed since Upton Sinclair wrote his bestseller The Jungle investigating a Chicago slaughterhouse and how unsanitary and terrible the conditions were. According to Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation, the ethics of these companies still has not changed. People may think this is the most efficient way to produce meat, when in fact the efficiency of producing meat is not relevant to the amount of abuse animals endure in the process. The government must regulate the animal cruelty …show more content…
These rights should not be overlooked just because the animals are in places where they are supposed to be killed. There is a severe difference between being humanly slaughtered and viciously killed. If someone began to skin a pig alive on the street, surely they would be arrested and charged with a felony in Illinois for animal cruelty. Animals in the animals in kill houses are still protected under animal abuse laws and must be killed in a humane manner. The government is not taking action for its own laws, and is way too lenient with the cruelty animals are receiving. In a slaughterhouse in Idaho, “Workers were caught on video viciously beating and shocking cows…and dragging a downed cow by her neck using a chain attached to a tractor” ( Acts like this would outrage millions of Americans, but, only a few amount people clearly know of …show more content…
First off, the way animals are killed is very quick and kills multiple animals at a time. Pigs are killed especially quickly, “packed in so tight, their guts actually pop out their butts—a little softball of guts actually comes out” ( The amount of pigs packed into one kill floor is a surplus and very quick. Although, this is not humane, the demand for meat is incredibly high and there are only few slaughterhouses to fulfill the demand. They don’t have time to worry about whether the animals are being killed humanly or