
Causes Of Suicide In America

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Suicide is a word that no one wants to hear. When someone takes their own life as Christians we believe that they go to hell; which for us is not a good thing. But for the people who aren’t Christians and cause people to harm themselves in such a way see it as nothing which is why they continue their unruly acts.
The Suicide rates in America have spiked up in adolescent girls and middle aged whites. The amount of girls from the ages of 10 through 14 who committed suicide tripled between the years 1999 and 2014; unseemly it increased by 200 percent.
Among the white women in their mid-forties to their mid-sixties, their suicide rate rose 80 percent. This shows an influx deaths in middle aged white, particularly in those who have limited education and also live in rural areas.
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Suicide is among the top 10 leading causes of death in America. According to The Washington Post, more suicides are committed than homicide. The Washington Post also said that drug addiction and divorce may abet this increase.
Another reason young girls have been taking their own lives is due to bullying, there has been a number of stories already being allotted. The most recent is Stephanie Clark who committed suicide due to the months of bullying she experienced. Another story is Amy Joyner-Francis who was killed after a fight in the restroom of Howard High School of Technology. It’s sad that people use violence to express themselves and now that someone died there isn’t much sympathy for the people who use violence which causing possibly more

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