CCIB Intake received SOC 341 from LTC Ombudsman Debra Hanschar- Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa 4415 Cowell Rd. Ste. 100, Concord 94518-1922 (925) 384-1122 regarding resident Vonalee Taegson age 80 DOB: 7/10/36. On 11/14/16 at 6:55PM reporting party Saundra Loftis stated Vonalee was volunteering at the front desk sorting mail. Resident Frances Nowve age 72 DOB: 5/19/43 believed since Vonalee was in the reception area she also had a right to be in the area. Frances began to push at the gate. Vonalee pushed the gate close. Fran then hit Vonalee hand on the gate which resulted in Vonalee standing up. Consequently Frances pushed Vonalee back into the…
On Thursday December 31, 2015 at approximately 1949 hours, FHEO Security Officers were dispatched to room #503 Beds 1 and 2 for two Disorderly Male Baker Act Patients who were acting up and causing problems for their assigned Psych Sitter, including one patient from Bed 1 who kept trying to leave the room. Security Officers Omar Alonso, Carlos Ayuso, and James Johnson arrived and met with Nurse Celia Baggya and Psych Sitter Andell Philip while Security Supervisor Steven Evans arrived later and met with Charge Nurse Charlene McGee. Nurse Baggya and Sitter Philip both stated that the patient in Bed #1, Benjamin Atsu (DOB: 01/23/1991; FIN# 85028628) became aggressive towards medical staff and was also trying to provoke the patient in Bed#2 who was Armando Montalvo (DOB: 08/15/1986; FIN #85028608). Security staff stood by the room and observed both patients until Nurse Baggya came back with some sedative medications to be administered to both patients in an effort to keep them calm and cooperative.…
CCIB Intake received SOC 341 from co-complainant for complaint control # 27-SC-20170104121605. The reporting party is Michelle Allie, RN Case Manager with Mercy Hospice 9912 Business Park Dr., Sacramento 95827 (916) 281-3900. The SOC 341 is regarding resident Shirley Pond. The reporting party (RP) stated the home health aide Ramona was preparing to leave when the caregiver Lidia stated "aren't you going to make the bed!" Ramona replied the resident stated she was tired and wanted to lie back down after her shower. Lidia then went into the resident's room where the resident was sitting on the side of her bed and in the presence of the RP and the home health aide, yelled "why did you tell the nurse not to make your bed?" She then told the resident…
Ronny is a 46-year-old WM who presents to CRU from UPC. He is on ACOT for PAD and DTO. He is SMI designated. Life Behavioral Wellness is client's OP treatment agency. Per amended letter, client moved to a new place and the next day picked a knife and threaten to cut myself. He has a hx of self-harm including an attempt to hang himself whiles in prison. He is calm and cooperative during admission. He has a PMH of HTN, Asthma, TB, seizure and brain surgery. Client's vitals were WNLs. He will benefit from meeting with the provider, and medication…
CCIB Intake received referral 1665-2784-6232-4050188 dated 10/12/16 from reporting party regarding resident Cera J. White age 17 DOB: 1/17/99 who went AWOL on 10/7/16 with her son Jake M. White age 1 DOB: 5/1/15. Another female resident AWOL’d from the group home and was observed being picked up by the same male and car who picked up Cera. It was reported Cera consistently AWOL’s from the facility and is a flight risk. The facility received information regarding Cera and her friend’s social media accounts. Both residents have been posting about “the life” (slang for prostituting) on their social media. There were not advertising their services. Cera and Jake returned to the facility on Monday, October 10 at approximately 10:30PM. Jake was returned with no report of neglect. According to the RP law enforcement is involved in the situation.…
Grammarly Report generated on Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:29 Grammarly DOCUMENT Page 1 of 4 SCORE LAW 531 Wk 6 IRAC Brief 6.2 98 of 100 Final Draft ISSUES FOUND IN THIS TEXT 1 PLAGIARISM 0% Contextual spelling 0 No errors Grammar 0…
CCIB Intake received a call from Cheyenne Price DOB: 1/17/50 (916) 676-5596 and Luz Johnson age 73 (916) 914-9680 who claim the owner and administrator of the facility Fernando Paramo has commit fraud in an effort to obtain funding to open the facility. According to the caller, Mr. Fernando talked the 73 year old Mrs. Johnson into a partnership to obtain the $16, 000 needed to open the facility located at 5725 Kevinberg Drive, Sacramento 95823. The reporting party believes Mrs. Johnson was scammed out of withdrawing $10, 000 from her Golden 1 Credit Union account on 7/21/16 and an additional $6, 000 from her Bank of America account on 7/23/16. Mrs. Johnson was under the impression she was in a partnership with the owner/licensee and would…
In 1983, Nancy Cruzan was a twenty five year old women who tragically lost control of her car, resulting her to a permanent hospital visit. When the paramedics came to find Nancy, she was not breathing and needed to be resuscitated. Getting her into a stable condition, Nancy Cruzan was in a coma, and diagnosed as a “vegetable”. There are several different areas of a vegetative state, Cruzan was in a persistent state. This meaning she had some partial reaction, but not true consciousness.…
NU333 Complete Physical Assessment Jarvis: Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition Complete Physical Examination Form COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Date __8/31/2013______________ Patient __Jane Doe_________________________ Age __33_ Sex _F__ Occupation Healthcare worker Client Representative/Interpreter: __none__ Examiner _Emanuel Singleton RN________ General Survey of Patient 1. Appears stated age: Yes_____________________________________ 2. Level of consciousness: Alert and oriented x 3 (person, place and time)…
CCIB Intake received referral #1675-5887-0667-7082186 from reporting party Linda Hernandez, School Liaison with Hillside Group Home. According to the reporting party (RP) resident Bently Lenard DOB: 3/17/03 was assaulted by another student at school: Focus Point Academy 3126 Glenrose Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 (626) 396-5950. The RP while participating in PE the child Bently was assaulted and sustained bruises on his eye, severe scabs on his nose, forehead, cheeks, and marks on his face. Bently reported the staff member was in the upper part of the campus and the incident occurred on the lower part of the campus. The staff member was interview and indicated they were on the upper side of the campus, however they could view the lower side of the…
References: McFarland, F. W., & Austin, R. D. (2005, August 11). CareGroup Case 9-303-097 [Case Study].…
A 65 year old resident is admitted to a Skilled Long Term Care Facility for a hip fracture. The resident has a Wound Vac and open wound upon admission to the Nursing Facility. The resident is due to receive Physical therapy and rehabilitation and go home. The resident must also receive wound care once per shift from the wound nurse or floor nurse depending on the shift. The resident is an alcoholic and is married with four children. The resident comes from a low income housing area with multiple flights of stairs and the housing area does not have handicap accessible apartments. Resident has Medicaid and Medicare at the time of admission the resident has not had a 60 day well stay and cannot use his Medicare to pay for services. The resident also has a diagnosis of diabetes and high blood pressure. The resident has a history of depression and mood disorder. The resident’s family is really involved in the care of the resident and insisting that the resident have treatment for drinking before returning home as this is the cause of the fall that created the fracture.…
Clyde Hunter, a 72-year-old African-American male, is a resident of a long-term care facility. He has been…
Pati, Debajyoti, PhD, FIIA,L.E.E.D.A.P., Evans, Jennie, RN, BS,L.E.E.D.A.P., Harvey, Thomas E, Jr, FIIA, MPH, FACHA,L.E.E.D.A.P., & Bazuin, D., M.S. (2012). Factors impeding flexible inpatient unit design. HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 6(1), 83-103. Retrieved from…
I conducted an interview with De'Andrea Franklin, caregiver at the operation on 11-16-15. Ms. Franklin stated she in the classroom staff in the Pre-K room that Daniel W. is in during the daytime. Ms. Franklin stated at the time of the incident, she was on her afternoon bus route and that Breanna Henderson was the caregiver while she was away from the center. Ms. Franklin stated she returned back to the center around 2:50 and was greeted at the door by Versie Crossland the cook. Ms. Franklin said Versie told her that Daniel had fallen on the table in the classroom and Breanna could not get the bleeding to stop. Ms. Franklin said she went to the classroom to check on Daniel. Ms. Franklin said she asked Daniel what happened and he said "I tripped…