Length of stay was not the only process that was made more effective with the implementation of the PSH model at UC Irvine Health. Another aspect that was positively affected by the PSH model was turnover time of a procedure. According to UC Irvine Health ninety two percent of procedures start at 7:30 in the morning. With the implementation of the PSH model the turnover time averaged about 29 minutes. This was a 31 percent improvement from before the PSH model was implemented. For those worried about the performance of a surgeon because the turnover time improved, it went unaffected. According to UC Irvine Health, the 166 cases researched that all 166 cases had 100.00 performance rates. Because the performance of the surgeons was so high in less amount of time, this lowered the readmission rate for the same health issue. UC Irvine found that the readmission rate for hip arthroplasties is zero percent. The national average for readmission for a knee arthroplasty is between 2.5 percent and 4.3 percent compared to UC Irvine Health readmission rate which is 1.1 percent…
Edgewood Lake Hospital (ELH) which opened in 1945, is a 30-bed, independent, not-for-profit hospital located in rural northern California. It provides inpatient and outpatient services to the close-knit community that resides within the forested and lakeside town the facility is nestled in. Although it is known for its great track record for quality and is held in high regard by the surrounding community, it has steadily experienced financial losses from 2006 through 2009. These losses can be attributed to factors both internal and external to the facility itself.…
For many students who attend community colleges their goal is to transfer to a Cal State University or Uniersity. Thus, the transfer process could be very tedious and confusing. The thought of transferring and filling out application that are all new is an overwhelming thought. Thankfullinh, Cypress College has a transfer center which “...assist all students in making the transition from Cypress College to the four-year college or university of their choice.”, as the Cypress College website states. This student service is beneficial because students have people help them filling out transfer applications, have access to individual counseling, and it’s free of charge!…
Ms Cole explained that Ms Coleman and Mr Cole were equally responsible for the incident happened between them. Ms Cole further explained that both Ms Coleman and Mr Cole are adults and they were aware about the restraining order and the conditions applicable as part of the order however they have breeched this which Ms Cole considered as inappropriate…
DALLAS (Nov. 17, 2016) – Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) has been named a “Prestigious Organization” by achieving national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).…
NU333 Complete Physical Assessment Jarvis: Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition Complete Physical Examination Form COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Date __8/31/2013______________ Patient __Jane Doe_________________________ Age __33_ Sex _F__ Occupation Healthcare worker Client Representative/Interpreter: __none__ Examiner _Emanuel Singleton RN________ General Survey of Patient 1. Appears stated age: Yes_____________________________________ 2. Level of consciousness: Alert and oriented x 3 (person, place and time)…
This regulation was introduced in 1992 and amended in 2002 due to the increased use of electrical devices such as phones, TVs, projectors, monitors and laptop screens. Employers have many different regulations that have to be met which include carrying out risk assessments at the employees work station, having regular breaks, yearly eye tests which the employer has to pay for, health and safety training on aspects such as adjusting your chair to the correct height.…
South Carolina is a member of the interstate nurse licensure compact (National Council of State Board of Nursing, 2017). Being a member of the interstate nurse licensure compact, will allow the nurse more flexibility to practice in the different states within the compact state. The nurse can respond to a state of emergency located in the compact state. For example, with the most recent catastrophic event that occurred in Texas with the hurricane Harvey. The local nurses were over worked and desperately needed relief from the long hours in response to hurricane Harvey. Since Texas is a member of the interstate nurse license compact, this allowed a quicker response to the catastrophic event and the nurses where able to find relief from their duties quickly. If Texas was not a member of the interstate nurse licensure compact, with the entire state of Texas being considered a state of emergency, and there would have been a delay with the nurses in the state of Texas with relief from their duties.…
This paper examines the case study at Clover Community College (CCC), which is a small comprehensive institution located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The student demographic is comprised of 75% White, 10% Hispanic, 5% Native Americans, 5% Asian Americans, and 5% African Americans. The majority of the student population lives within a 30-mile radius of the campus. In fact, the College provides training for the economic engine of the area, which entails agriculture, mining, and tourism.…
Today, community hospital becomes a fast-paced environment. The growing number of consumers, including the median age from 40 to 41 years old in the American health care system; the community hospital strategic management is a fender-bender with the country economy and politic. In the same vein, the Patient protection and Affordable Care Act expansion of health care of many New Jersey’s people have allowed some things that were limited. People with a pre-existing condition and the children who remain on their parent’s insurance until age 26 are some of the examples.…
Community Health Services is in a strict market niche. Although there are many different types of hospitals across the nation, CHS specializes in general acute care hospitals, narrowing their choices for investment.…
Miami Dade College was created with the idea that anyone with a desire to get a college degree should be given that opportunity. Today, more than 165,000 students attend Miami Dade College, a state-supported college with seven campuses, two centers and numerous outreach centers. Miami Dade College is the only college within the community limits. It offers Bachelor and Associates degree, Vocational Credit Certificates, Continuing workforce and adult education, and recreation and leisure. They are the largest institution of higher education in the United States and one of the most highly regarded colleges in the nation.…
The community of Middleboro and the surrounding area has grown significantly in the past 10 years, but much of this growth has been in the other surrounding towns, giving the Hillsboro area the appearance of growth throughout. In the last 10 years, the average growth in the area has been 8.3% for Hillsboro County, and has been about 4.3% over the past 5 years (Appendix A.1). The highest growth area in Hillsboro has been the town of Jasper, which has grown 17.6% over the past 10 years and almost 10% over the past 5 years. Although it is not in Hillsboro County, Capital City has also shown a significant increase in population since 10 years ago at 10.8%, but much of this growth (8.5%) has occurred in the past 5 years.…
There are many theories that tend to explain different aspects in human development. According to Encarta Encyclopedia, 2006, these are system of assumptions based on limited information or knowledge, devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. In line with the definition, theories remain as conjectures explaining certain occurrences, but never will it attain the grounds earned by laws and principles as universal truths.…
In many of the developing countries Community Health Care units (CHC) are considered to be the referral units to primary health care. The location of CHC facilities plays a vital role in making them more accessible especially in rural areas. Location of these health care units affects the spatial accessibility and influences the ease of availing services. Maximum Covering Location Problems (MCLP) were used in planning the location of these facilities without taking into account the population distribution over the space which leads to non-uniformity in catering the services. In this study the obstacles in the conventional methods are overcome by developing a methodology. It is observed that existing community health care units are inefficient…