Mr. Kucharik
College Comp I
The Duties of a Certified Nurse Aide
A Process Paper
Being a Certified Nurse Aide (C N A) is an extremely rewarding experience. You discover a whole new side of yourself when you’re at work. It allows you to be able to handle many more somewhat disgusting situations by knowing that the person receiving this care is in need of it. This is due to the fact that they either can’t care for themselves or have a disease that inflicts limitations on their ability to know how to do it. That is the main reason I had ultimately decided to become one. Being a C N A is more than what most people would think most C N A’s do. There are many processes involved in the job that most …show more content…
They will either fight you the whole time or be as helpful as possible, you generally want the helpful ones. You must first take them into the restroom and get them situated onto the toilet so they’ll not make a mess on the floor or you. Then each resident will have a different pad, diaper, or just regular underwear. This is where it can get tricky, after getting their designated pair of underwear you must get it onto them while they are in a sitting position. You’ll be able to get it above their knees, then when they are done it’s time to clean. This all depends on whether they urinated or had a bowel movement. If all they did was urinate then you only have to clean the penis/vagina. When working with females always wipe from front to back to prevent infection in the vagina. When working with an uncircumcised male you must pull the foreskin back, wipe the head and underneath the skin, and then pull the skin back to relieve pressure on the head of the penis. If the resident has made a bowel movement you will need to put on a pair of gloves, get their designated set of wipes, and squirt some ointment on them. Then you must get down to butt level and have them lift one side so you can get underneath them and wipe. You need to try your hardest to make sure that all fecal matter is removed so as to not cause any infections or skin breakdown. After the resident has been cleaned stand them up, pull up their under wear, then their clothing, and now you can take them to wherever they want/need to go. Once you are done with the wipes you must dispose of them in the bathroom trashcan, throw your gloves in as well then tie it shut and dispose of it in the laundry room trash