For many centuries, humanity has evolved through rebellious efforts by history’s greatest role- models. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist Minister, led the African- American Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s to gain equality and justice for all African Americans who were shunned by the white people in society. Luther was a sapient man who didn’t scare so easily despite the censure consequences that would follow. Martin Luther King Jr. died on April 4, 1968, by assassination, yet his famous “I Have a Dream” speech left a powerful impact on the nation to support his vision that one day we would see ourselves as equal regardless of our color or race. Today, we still remember his nonviolent efforts that gave us hope and a dream to live for and come together as a whole to accomplish what we have wanted for a long time. …show more content…
Activist, Cesar Chavez along with Dolores Huerta led the Chicano Movement in 1962. It was a corporation that united many hard-working Mexican-Americans who were treated unjustly because of their social status and race. They came together against society’s customs and went on Huelgas to make others aware of the struggles they went through, such as being underpaid despite the excessive amount of labor work they had each day and having miserable working conditions. Chavez’s opposition to conform to the standards of society successfully gained an equal pay for