Chapter 1 Creating a Nation
Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
1. Many historians consider the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin, by
_____________________________ to be one of the causes of the Civil War.
2. ____________________ societies formed in the mid-1800s at first to spread the word of God but soon turned to combating social problems.
3. Native Americans feared that the increasing flow of settlers would disrupt the
____________________ on which they depended for their livelihood.
4. The dissolution of the Union began with the secession of the state of ____________________.
5. Anger over the Kansas-Nebraska Act resulted in a new political coalition that became the
____________________ Party.
6. “No taxation without ____________________.”
7. After emancipation, formerly enslaved African Americans became known as
8. The famous quote “[a nation] conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” was part of the ______________________________.
9. The ____________________ was an undeclared war at sea between the United States and
France that began in 1798.
10. Before the introduction of the mechanical ____________________, farmers had to cut grain by hand using a sickle or a scythe.
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Chapter 1 Creating a Nation
11. Grant took Vicksburg by putting the city under ____________________, cutting off its food supplies and bombarding the city until its defenders gave up.
12. ____________________ Charge at Gettysburg resulted in the slaughter of Confederate troops.
13. The principle of _________________________ means rule by the people.
14. _________________________ was the idea that the citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide for themselves if they wanted to permit slavery or not.
15. One major change during the Industrial Revolution was manufacturing's shift from hand tools to