Summary paper
Dr. Hassan Wagih
Doing business in Africa
Q1- What are the risks which may encounter any business man when dealing with Africa?
A-Corruption (social and political): * inadequate compensation of work and individual tribal responsibility when living the village for a job and assisting others tribal family often impose a financial burden and pressure to augment income by any means either legal or otherwise such as bribery and gratuities.
* Big man replaces the rule of law: incompetent strongmen who take political power through coups or rigged election and use their positions as head of state to benefit only themselves and their cronies and becomes rich with their private militias and suppressed media. This lack of authentic leadership has helped undermine the exploitation of national economies and African citizen and undermined government parliamentary democratic model that pre-European colonist tried to Impose and caused many African refugee.
B-political instability: intergroup and tribal and racial conflicts (south of Africa, Nigeria), civil wars (Sudan) and ethnic cleansing and genocide (Rwanda between Hutu &Tutsi) and lead to the invasion of other neighbor‘s country to pursuit rebels and refugee (Congo) and for their prestigious natural resources.
Also sometimes African infighting, internal trouble and destruction are attributed to religions (Somali and Nigeria) and cause the existence of UN peacekeeping troops in many African places
C- Poor and inadequate road and communication infrastructure in many countries.
D-Lack of regular marine transportation lines.
E-Fewer insurance companies coverage for higher risks existing in Africa.
F-modest to low literacy level and Low life expectancy due to many diseases spread throughout Africa.
G-Public sector bureaucracy, regularity and obstacles undermining the business climate.
Q2- What are the