# Managing Change: As the organiations are going Global this is one problem faced by many organisations of manging the change in the organisation and how to make people acquanted with the changes.
# Work Culture: Due to acquisition and mergers taking place it becomes important for the HR Manager to develop the work culture.
# Ethics and Values: In the times when we are getting more professional and narcissist, it is very important to have Ethics and values to be in place which also in the long run decides the sustainability of the organisation.
# Managing low attrition rate: More competition also adds to high attrition. Now here is the opportunity for the HR manager to play safe and introduce good retention strategies.
# Balancing work and personal life: Huge responsibility is on the shoulder of an HR Manager to create a balance between the work life and personal life by flexi work hours, paternity leaves( Yes it is what most companies are starting) and vacations are some of the options in hand.
# Stress and Conflict: Long working hours, target pressures, high competition etc adds stress and conflicts in the Organisation. It is the duty of an HR Manager to have proper responses to the stress and conflict before it causes damage to someones' personality.
# Consultative approach: Developing continuous dialogue, open communication, participative decision making is very important for implementing consultative approach. It is an HR Manager who can facilitate such approach to procure participative and democratic culture.
# Restructuring Organisation: As the trend is changing so the organisation structure. The organisation are getting more flatter and simpler.
# Globalisation: Companies are going global due to which the workforce diversity is increasing. Managing these people with different religious, cultural, moral background is a challenging task for the HR Managers in 21st