Hypnosis is a word that is hugely misunderstood ; when most people hear the word, they immediately think of someone putting them to sleep or making them do something silly for example like ‘barking like a dog’. In reality, this perception of hypnosis couldn’t be further from the truth as a Hypnotherapist cannot make a client perform an activity he or she would not normally do.
In this essay, in an attempt to challenge various misconceptions, I will be defining Hypnosis; discussing the psychological and physical aspects of hypnosis. I will also be exploring the important role of relaxation in hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis is a term that was coined by the English Doctor, James Braid, from the Greek God of Sleep ‘Hypnos’. This name itself gives the false impression that clients will be put to sleep during hypnosis – an error Dr. Braid himself realised but couldn’t rectify as the name ‘Hypnosis’ stuck and was preferred over the alternative name he offered ‘Monoeidism’. Dr. Braid showed that people under hypnosis were unusually susceptible to impressions on the senses and that much of the person’s behaviour under it was due to suggestions that were made verbally. (Hypnosis for Change; Third Edition, Page 16). Hypnosis has been described as being in a trance-like or very relaxed state, it has also been described as ‘a state characterised by focused attention and heightened suggestibility’ (
‘Hypnosis is a different state of consciousness; one can naturally enter so that for therapeutic purposes beneficial corrections/suggestions may be given directly to one’s unconscious mind’ (
A hypnotherapist can use hypnosis to explore a client’s subconscious mind and identify