I pay my humble respects to all the dignitaries and my greetings to the participants of this innovation and project competition and appreciation for their exhibits.
People say that one remembers only a little of what one reads, about 30 percent of what he listens, about 50 percent of what one writes and about 75 percent of what one does. But when one reads, listens, writes and does one thing – he retains 90 percent of it because he, in such a situation, would have applied all the faculties available with him – i.e. eyes, ears, psychomotor skills and his heart and soul into it.
You, dear friends, have dared to indulge into an activity that facilitates learning and real life experience. Innovation is linked to novelty, modernism and originality. Now, I would like you to introspect and find an answer to the question – whether what you did was really innovative or just a repetition of what someone has done earlier? If its repetition or copy or simply an outright imitation – you will have a practical experience. Many more such exposures might lead you to innovation and if you have innovated – you will have an ever-enchanting Aha moment in your life.
You all have placed some projects, too. The word project means one of these three things – some work or task done in totality, propelling or launching in some direction and forecasting or predicting. Now, if you have done a task, you enter into the inner zone, if you have propelled the idea towards a direction you have set on a course to some goal. And finally, if you have thought of some futuristic vision of how things are going to be in future – you will have really projected yourself into the project.
I would also like you to remember that your intentions behind the innovation or projection are of great importance. Are they there for the maximum benefit of majority of users or they are going to be used for eliminating employment